Tunnelbroker & IXP Transit

tunnelbroker.li is closing down and is beeing replaced by BGPTunnel.com for non-commerical tunnels and by ifog.ch for commercial offerings.

Vistig bgptunnel.com Vistig ifog.ch

iFog GmbH runs its own Global Network under AS34927 and offers free IPv6 and IPv4 BGP Transit Tunnels in Frankfurt, Oslo, Fremont and Kansas. Pure IPv6 BGP Tunnels are available in London. Paid Tunnels are available in Barcelona and Singapore.

We also offer free IP Transit over IXPs for Individuals and Companies on a case by case basis.

iFog GmbH also offers VPSs in 11 locations around the world with BGP and fair-use Traffic. In Frankfurt we offer VMs with Access to KleyReX, LocIX and NL-IX, in Amsterdam to NL-IX.

FogIXP BGP vServer IXP VMs LIR Services Colocation Dedicated Servers

Donate to tunnelbroker.li & FogIXP